Oh my gosh! How gorgeous is this vintage plum velvet!?! Okay so I've had purple on my mind as of late, likely caused by a collision of many ideas and sources streaming in all at once showing me purple. I so wanted my next painting to contain several presents in the same composition. I played around with several presents trying to figure out a theme or idea. But this guy just seemed soooo very demanding, so right now he's got all my attention.
I've been starting these demo posts by showing the set up and beginning oil sketch, but I realized that is leaving out a bunch of steps. First step for me is inspiration, and I see it everywhere. I have ten paintings being painted in my head all the time, so I keep a personal journal where I keep these thoughts. Then suddenly one idea, thought, color, feeling singles itself out and wham.... purple velvet. Next are these tiny thumbnail sketches where I play around with composition and see which format will best suit what I'm trying to say. The top two sketches I envisioned as another split painting. I like the middle idea, and may come back to it, but have settled on the bottom right hand corner composition. Hope this hasn't been too boring.